Saturday, January 30, 2016

Student art prints featured at local fundraiser

AOD Coalition featured area student artists at their last event- "Faces of Recovery" as part of their silent auction fundraiser.

Monday, January 25, 2016

SBHS State Artists!

Congrats to the following SBHS Artists that had their work chosen at the WAEA Northeastern Regional Art Show to move on to the state capital in Madison in March!

A big shout out to Ryan Mueller for earning the Leonardo DaVinci Award for the Most Inventive!

Joey Doucette

Morgan Nelson 

Ryan Mueller 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Early MIAD Scholarship Winner!

Congrats Ryan on your Milwaukee School of Art & Design scholarship!

 AP Studio student, Ryan Mueller, has been working tirelessly this year to expand his portfolio.  He has been recently notified that he not only earned an early merit award, but his original amount granted has increased with the submission of his additional art pieces.  Ryan's hard work is just starting to pay off!

 Keep up the energy & passion-- it has become inspiring in our entire SBHS Art Studio!